AI usage has skyrocketed among European travelers

A new report reveals that the adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) among travelers is growing rapidly, with sustainability being a key motivator for European globetrotters

Oct 11, 2024

MMGY's latest report, Portrait of European Travellers, analyzes adult travelers from the UK, France, Germany, Italy and Spain and highlights key travel trends. It shows strong demand for travel, with Europeans planning an average of 2.9 international vacations over the next two years, particularly among Gen Z and Millennials, who plan to take more trips than other generations.

Key takeaways

  • Social media and AI: These tools are leading the way in travel planning for Europeans. The use of AI is growing every year, especially among Gen Z, who use platforms like ChatGPT to create itineraries and gather vacation ideas. YouTube is the top social network for travel inspiration, followed closely by Instagram;
  • Sustainability: Environmental concerns have a significant impact on travel decisions, with 27% of European travelers willing to pay extra to minimize their carbon footprint. Notably, 36% of Spanish travelers said they would avoid destinations or transportation options that lack sustainable practices, compared to 29% across Europe;
  • Destination interest: The U.S. is the only destination to show an increase in travel intent year-over-year, ranking among the top 11 most sought-after global destinations. Europe remains the overall favorite;
  • Business and leisure travel: Seventy percent of European travelers are likely to extend international business trips for leisure, with British and German travelers most likely to do so, indicating a possible shift in long-haul travel preferences.

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