Almost every hotel or resort customer reads guest reviews

New research from Accor in Europe examines the growing importance of guest reviews and ratings when booking a hotel stay

Jun 17, 2024

A staggering 97% of hotel guests have consulted guest reviews when looking to book a stay at a hotel or resort, according to a new report from Accor. The report reveals that nearly four in ten (38%) guests do so every time they book a stay, and another 38% do so most of the time.

Key takeaways

According to the study, guest reviews and ratings are the second most important factor in the booking decision process, just behind rooms and amenities, and ahead of criteria such as food and dining options, Wi-Fi/internet connectivity, and health and hygiene standards;

Respondents in all five countries like to dig deep when reading reviews. On average, guests read nine reviews (8.63) for each hotel or resort they're considering, with those in Poland reading the most (10.58);

The information respondents are most interested in before booking a stay is how clean a hotel or resort is. When asked to name three areas they would most like to read about, 52% said cleanliness was the most important factor, followed by value for money (27%), bedrooms (26%), location (21%) and staff friendliness (19%).

Get the full report from Accor

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