Gen Z, millennials less interested in loyalty travel

The loyalty program landscape is shifting, especially as younger generations make up a larger share of the traveling population

Jun 10, 2024

OAG’s North American survey, “Beyond the Ticket: Winning Traveler Loyalty with Rewards & Ancillary Services,” included 2,000 travelers with intent to analyze services including rewards programs and ticket inclusions and how those might be driving purchasing habits.

Key takeaways

  • Overall frequent flyer programs are popular among travelers - 82% of the respondents reported they had enrolled in a program - but only 65% of Gen Z and 70% of millennials reported being enrolled;
  • That’s a significant drop from the 89% of baby boomers enrolled and 80% of Generation X members enrolled in airline loyalty programs;
  • The lack of interest in loyalty among younger travelers goes further. That demographic is also less consistent when it comes to booking with a particular brand.

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