Google’s SEO ranking factors revealed

Recently leaked Google Search API documents reveal a greater number of key factors influencing page rankings than previously known - over 14,000 data points were identified in total

May 30, 2024

Google's detailed data collection process, which uses extensive clickstream data from its Chrome browser, underscores the thoroughness of its analysis. It evaluates site quality using systems such as NavBoost and Glue, with key metrics including click-through rates, long vs. short clicks, and user intent.

Key takeaways

  • The documents show that Google uses whitelists for specific scenarios such as travel, COVID-19, and elections. Feedback from quality reviewers is incorporated into the ranking process, and click data influences the weight of links in rankings.
  • The leak reveals a more complex and data-driven ranking system than Google has publicly acknowledged, and contradicts many of Google's previous denials about the impact of certain factors.

Read the full story at SparkToro

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