Luxury air travel gets personal

Offering a whole array of seats and experiences explicitly designed for people’s specific needs, Lufthansa is aiming to make air travel a truly personal experience

Jul 24, 2024

If you’re a seasoned intercontinental traveler, you know that the details matter. You can really feel the “long” part of long-haul flights when you’re passing hour 8 in the air, so the space you’re occupying for the better part of a day had better fit your exact needs. You want to not just be comfortable but to be able to actually enjoy your travel experience.

Unfortunately, flying often forces you to fit yourself into a standardized space. It doesn’t matter whether you’re flying for business or pleasure, alone or together, wearing a 28-inch inseam or bumping your head on door frames - what you get is one-size-fits-all, or at least one-size-fits-some.

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