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Today's Brief
Hotel rates in Asia are skyrocketing - Rates have climbed more than 45% in destinations that are attracting the most Chinese travelers.
Mar 6, 2023 • Hospitality says it was not compromised through recently-discovered vulnerability - Researchers from Salt Security found several critical security flaws on and its sister company Kayak.
Mar 6, 2023 • Hospitality
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How travelers are getting choosier in a shifting economy - Travelers of all types - leisure, corporate, meetings and more - are making their purchases with greater discernment.
Mar 6, 2023 • Travel
eDreams Odigeo has ambitious U.S. growth plans - The company's subscription model is key to its success and its growing adoption in the U.S..
Mar 6, 2023 • Hospitality
How can travel and tourism plan for a decarbonizing world? - Continuing with business as usual, including maintaining current growth rates, isn’t a serious option, a new report concludes.
Mar 6, 2023 • Travel
Apaleo completes a $9.5 funding round - The property management platform is disrupting the nature of hospitality software with the transition from single-vendor suites to best-of-breed technology.
Mar 6, 2023 • Hospitality
The case for a sales and marketing evolution in hospitality - Hotels are moving beyond "heads-in-beds" marketing to creatively place brands in culture.
Mar 6, 2023 • Marketing
Social media engagement benchmarks for travel brands - Travel and hospitality brands seem to be posting less than other industries across all four key social media.
Mar 6, 2023 • Marketing
... in case you missed it, our Daily Brief March 3, 2023
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